Fundamental Legal Knowledge Q&A
- 1 Q: B usually sleeps late and feel burned-out. One day his friend C tell him secretly about there is one thing can let him refresh and after sniffing can have live for hundreds years. C takes and burn a little bit of white crystallize thing to B sniffs. As expected, B is full energy and can stay overnight. However, B must to sleep one day one night when the drug effect wears off, and he even can not wake up when there is thunder outside (The thing is called Amphetamine). B needs Amphetamine to keep him awake everyday, but Amphetamine is very expensive he doesn’t have enough income. Therefore, he borrows money everywhere and debts are more and more. Therefore, he sold his fourteen- and twelve-years old daughters to payback and built the big house. He joined the group of selling drug. Ask what offenses does B have?
- 2 Q: B is working in the city, but the work is hard with low payment and has extravagant lifestyle, so he goes back to hometown and open a KTV, however, the business is not doing well. Then, he lures young girl and hires them to drink and sing with customer. Providing striptease and let consumer to touch those girls’ body or force them to sleep with them. Ask what offenses does B have?
- 3 Q: A, B and C are playing card game at the park, and one point is one dollar. Are they convicted offenses of gambling?
- 4 Q: What will be charged if trading any protected wildlife?
- 5 Q: Every time after Typhoon, there are many trees are toppled by storm and follow the high level of water go down from the mountain in Hualien. There are many woods appear at each river mouths including precious trees. Is A guilty if he uses crane to the beach to get the precious trees?