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Guidance to the Public

  • Publication Date:
  • Last updated:2019-12-23
  • View count:3648


Floor Plan
To help you contact our staff easily, we make a brief introduction to the floor plan of our Office as follows.

First floor plan of the Department

1F— Investigation Room, Bailiff Office, Mail Room, General Affairs Section, Urine Collection Room,  Probation Assistant Office,  Probation Officers Office
2F—Chief Prosecutor Office, Chief Secretary Office, Prosecutor Office, Prosecutor Investigator Office, Records Section, Civil Service Ethics Office, Personnel Office, Research and Evaluation Section, Documentation Section, Statistics Office, Information Office, Typing Room, Accounting Office 
3F—Information Management Office, Prosecutor Investigator Office, Prosecutor Office, Records Section


Diagram of Layout of Investigation Room

 Diagram of Layout of Investigation Room

1. The arrangement of the Investigation Room is shown in the diagram. The arrangement of every District Prosecutors Office’s investigation room depends on the space available. The principle of the diagram depends on the situation.
2. The seat for Intern Judge imitates the disposition of the present Judicial Yuan. The Intern Judge is seated on the opposite of Interpreter on the lower stage.
3. When an old or physical weak complaint, defendant, witness, or expert witness is summoned, the procurator can observe the situation and ask to put a chair in the summons area.


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